Work Plan Until End of 2018 for the CCLNRM Workgroup

Based on the previous work plan, the workgroup Climate Change, Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management has elaborated a new plan for until the end of 2018.

The three subgroups on the following themes will be maintained:

  1. Enhancing benefits from biodiversity and ecosystem services
  2. Climate change adaptation
  3. Land tenure, forest landscape restoration and wood energy

Most of the activities initially started will be continued – especially in line with the objective of the workgroup to enhance the exchange of experiences, to circulate elaborate products and to strengthen the work on concrete country cases.

The idea is to further enhance efficiency levels during implementation in areas that continue to be relevant,  such as:

  • Benefits from ecosystems services
  • Implementation of climate change adaptation
  • Increased coherence with the approach to AFR100/FLR

An added value of the new work plan is the enhanced integration and participation of sectorial programs, Globe and the SEWOH initiative. Though the growing number of workgroup participants and member projects and programs is expected to tremendously challenge the organisational aspects of collaborating with one another to achieve the set targets. But as the group’s co-speaker Andreas Schleenbäcker put it: “The clear ambition to enhance exchange through virtual tools and the fixing of committed focal points for each action keeps us very optimistic!”

It is the intention of the group to produce fact sheets, training modules, concept notes and to set up online exchanges.

The workgroup consensually decided that it should look into promoting a greater inclusion of national staff. The heads of member projects and programs of SNRD are requested to support the facilitation of this wish and actively encourage the participation of national staff during the implementation of the new work plan.

A first “evaluation” of the work plan will most certainly bring together group members before the end of 2017, viz. at the next workgroup meeting. Thematically this meeting is proposed to tackle practical issues of AFR100/FLR. Details on the venue, content, training opportunities and dates will be communicated by end of July.