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What Works in Rural Youth Employment Promotion?

Edited recording of a webinar on good practices and lessons from GIZ projects on rural youth employment.

The consultants Claudia Knobloch and Christian Pirzer of Endeva present the main findings of a study on the subject.

The webinar was conducted on 5 December 2019 by the Global Project Rural Employment with a Focus on Youth, which also commissioned the study.

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00:00  Introduction by Julia Müller & Nadine Günter (GP Employment in Rural Areas with Focus on Youth)

01:58  Main Findings and Approach of the Study by Christian Pirzer (Endeva)

17:15  Case Study Interviews, starter moderation by Claudia Knobloch (Endeva)

17:56  Case study Agriculture Technincal Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) with Steffen Becker

29:08 Case study Promoting Youth Employment in Rural Areas of Morocco (PEJ II) with Lisa Etzoldt

38:23  Takeaway messages

42:11 – 51:06 Discussion



To the Community of Practice

GIZ-internal link to the IDA CoP on Rural Employment