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MSc on Science-Policy Interfaces on Biodiversity & Ecosystems Services

The West African Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (WABES) calls for applications to their master’s programme on Science-Policy Interfaces on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services in West Africa

The master of science programme is a 2-year interdisciplinary course designed to provide students with broad, high-quality understanding, knowledge and skills needed to facilitate science/policy interfaces, such as the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services  IPBES — and to ultimately achieve the sustainable development goals in West Africa.

Participants will get a basic understanding of relevant scientific tools and methods and an ability to transfer their results to policymaking. The course is geared towards people interested in sustainable biodiversity and ecosystems services management through science based policy and decisionmaking.

More information


Production and Supply of Nutritious Foods at Centre of Value Chain Discourse

Recently the professional debate has shifted from increasing income and local availability of nutrient-dense foods to reducing food insecurity and malnutrition. However, food preferences and traditions are more and more recognised as critical factors. A new working paper shows how to integrate nutrition-related activities into agricultural value chain programs. 

2017-08-25T10:51:22+02:00August 25th, 2017|Categories: Climate and Nature, UPDATES|