Thinking About a Digital Future

How old and new ICT fosters mindset change

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Value add for readers

  • Understand the role of innovative ICT solutions and youth for social behavior change

  • Learn what the Digital Transformation Working Group is up to in 2024

The Digital Transformation Working Group ⎮ © GIZ

Insights from the meeting of the digital transformation working group

During the conference held in Somone, Senegal, the Working Group engaged in discussions about the transformative impact of GIZ’s Digital for Agriculture (D4Ag) Portfolio. The discourse revolved around the spectrum of low to high-tech solutions and their positive implications for GIZ and its partners, shedding light on existing challenges in the digital transformation landscape. Notably, this thematic focus was a central component of the Digital-by-Choice Training crash course, a precursor to the conference.

Transforming Mindsets

A key focus for the working group is on how innovative approaches and digital tools shift perspectives and make learning more empowering. This has also been the theme of a conference session that discussed how digital tools can induce social behaviour change in young professionals based on the strategic framework of social behavior change communication: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice, in short KAP.

Human Element in Rural Development

The session shined a spotlight on the crucial human element within our rural development interventions. It illustrated how various projects prioritize equipping individuals with knowledge and promoting attitude shifts, ultimately enabling them to effectively apply their newfound skills. A key discussion point was the accessibility to low- and high-tech digital tools for women. The session featured:

  • Shamba Shape Up farming television production with millions of viewers every week implemented in Kenya by the Agri-Jobs 4 Youth project
  • The Farm Radio International RECOVER initiative supported by the Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector highlights how highly adapted ICT interventions — concerning digital ecosystems and users — can spur participatory learning, creating swift and positive impacts
  • The atingi e-learning platform and the Agribusiness e-Academy, offer free-of-charge and interactive digital learning opportunities for agribusiness professionals
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Looking ahead

In 2024, the Digital Transformation Working will continue to foster exchange on pertinent topics such as digital literacy, e-learning, gender transformative approaches in implementing digital innovations and artificial intelligence.


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