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Addressing a Dual Crisis in a Changing Political Landscape

2025-03-24T19:04:38+01:00March 18th, 2025|Categories: Climate and Nature, COLLABORATION, UPDATES|Tags: , , |

Why climate and biodiversity challenges demand more than environmental fixes—and how inclusive, coordinated action is reshaping agriculture and governance in Africa

Strengthening Rural Resilience – Achievement, Opportunities and Future Pathways

2025-03-11T13:12:19+01:00March 11th, 2025|Categories: Agriculture Technical Vocational Education and Training, Climate and Nature, COLLABORATION, Digital Transformation, Food and Nutrition Security, Gender-Transformative Approaches, Inclusive Agribusiness, Policies for Rural Development, Rural Employment, UPDATES|Tags: , , |

Upcoming SNRD Africa conference – Lusaka, Zambia | 16–20 June 2025


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