Joint Action Is Based on the Commitment of Programmes and Sector Projects

It is a very complex and ambitious task to facilitate the emergence of viable Contract Farming business models — to make them inclusive is even more demanding. Requiring situation specific upgrading concepts for every single Contract Farming business model, local experts have to become competent process facilitators who are capable of:

  • Moderating the development of joint solutions that are owned by producers and off-takers as partners in business
  • Providing advisory services that are adapted to the needs of diverse target groups, i.e. farmers, small, medium or large enterprises as off-takers, business development service providers, financial service providers, government organisations, local government, policy makers, etc.
  • Conducting training for different types of target groups according to their specific needs

Critical resources

Given the very demanding competencies required, regional and international experts should be available for answering to specific advisory and backstopping needs. In a survey amongst programmes, they clearly voiced their interest in the exchange of experiences and peer learning in local and regional networks as well as a need for support by a community of practice on contract farming at international level.

Considering the high expectations of the programmes, the CoP needs to be staffed with a resource person knowledgeable in the GIZ Contract Farming approach and equipped with resources allowing him or her to work demand-oriented and responding sufficiently fast.

The commitment of SNRD member programmes and sector projects to develop the necessary capacities of an international, regional and national master trainers will be key. There needs to be a sufficient number of capable coaches to meet the rising demand of programmes for first-hand professional support to reach many producers and SMEs through a scaling-up of the GIZ approach, which promotes Contract Farming as an inclusive business model.


facilitating GIZ Contract Farming methodology


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