Developing Scaling-up Contract Farming Concepts

To achieve a broad impact — i.e. being relevant, achieving quality, quantity and sustainability — a number of factors have to be considered:

Processes for scaling-up

Relevance: Reaching the full the potential of inclusive Contract Farming to contribute to rural economic transformation.

Quality: Setting up viable inclusive Contract Farming schemes and using qualified trainers, consultants, coaches.

Quantity: Cascading of capacity development measures to reach large numbers of beneficiaries.

Sustainability: Institutional embedding, efficient networking, broad change management.

Scaling-up is highly complex

Success factors for scaling-up

  1. Scaling-up as an integral part of programme planning: A realistic concept for scaling-up and an exit strategy has to be in place
  2. Ownership by key stakeholders: Contract Farming business partners need to commit to institutionalise existing structures
  3. Multilevel approach: At micro, meso, macro and meta levels
  4. Proof of impacts: Inclusive Contract Farming actors need to provide and evidence of the impacts achieved
  5. Horizontal and functional scaling-up, standards and manuals: Quality has to be assured at field level and throughout the scaling process
  6. Vertical scaling-up and institutionalisation (structures and incentive mechanisms): Partners need to be motivated and enabled to drive and carry on scaling processes
  7. Communication and networking: Pertinent stakeholders need to be informed, convinced and involved, networking and backstopping is necessary
  8. Time horizon and financing: Broad impact requires sufficient time and resources as well as a clear exit strategy


facilitating GIZ Contract Farming methodology


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