Strengthening Transformative Agricultural Policy

Fostering sustainable agricultural systems

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  • Introduction to how AgSys shapes sustainable agricultural policies across nine diverse countries, driving positive change on a global scale.
Photo:  © GIZ / Ramana Dumpala

In the quest for sustainable agricultural systems, the global project Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Policies is making waves across nine cooperating countries. In India, Zambia, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Madagascar, Burkina Faso and Mali, this initiative transcends borders, connecting local impacts and partnerships while providing crucial national policy advice. Here’s a glimpse into the project’s key areas of activity:

Transformative Agricultural Policy
Fostering cross-cutting approaches that integrate agricultural policy with food security, climate action, and biodiversity conservation.

Scaling Successful Practices
Consolidating and institutionalizing proven approaches and innovations for lasting impact.

Inclusive Reform Agendas
Incorporating input from civil society, emphasizing the involvement of women and young people in shaping transformative policies.

Harmonized Financial Contributions
Transforming national funding landscapes to attract additional resources, supporting the implementation of reform agendas.

Linking National and Global Agendas
Strengthening connections between national and global priorities, enriching debates on the transformation of agricultural and food systems.

Key is the project prioritizes country ownership, allowing partners to shape specific actions based on their unique needs. The content and direction belong to the countries themselves, ensuring a successful and sustainable collaboration.

Explore the profound impact of the project Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Policies as it empowers nations to redefine their agricultural landscapes, fostering sustainability and resilience.


Thomas Heindrichs, Global Project Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Policies

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