SEWOH Enhanced Resilience Baseline Survey Report
10 Nutrition Baseline Surveys in Africa & Asia―Results, Interpretations, Recommendations
Nutrition status surveys are not new. This study is unique because of its geographic and cultural scale. Questions around the design of interventions that fitted different countries needed to be tackled, paying attention to the fact that there are unique settings in each country. The program has the challenging ambition to measure the results of their interventions with comparable indicators and values.
In June 2016, GIZ contracted Bioversity International to prepare a summary report of the ten Nutrition Baseline Surveys with the objective:
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Presenting the results
In September 2016, Gina Kennedy, a food and nutrition security expert at Bioversity’s Healthy Diets Initiative and a main author of the report presented the survey results in Bonn/Germany.
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The Powerpoint slides
Interview with Gina Kennedy
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