Online Platforms Will Be Merged

SNRD Africa’s online community on Global Campus will be moved to the new IT solution called IDA, provided by GIZ. The virtual community SEWOH CONNECTED will be merged into it regarding its thematic working groups for better technical exchange.

Deliberations on how to better interlink the two online community platforms have been going on for a while. Of course, the new system aims to strengthen synergies while avoiding parallel structures. The new system will allow for technical exchange on rural development topics with a better integration of SEWOH projects and colleagues in the SNRD structure, its working groups and CoPs. The aim is to make SEWOH’s experience more widely available, using SNRD’s new products and formats.

For SNRD Africa it is a great vote of trust that the community of SEWOH CONNECTED decided to ‘move in’ with the new SNRD Africa IDA platform. The newly formed joint virtual community will use our digital infrastructure including our new website!

Where we are at right now

We are currently sorting out questions on how to best integrate topics of the SEWOH CONNECTED community — for example, in our four established thematic working groups such as for the nutrition topic or separate CoPs like the one for organic farming (ökolandbau).

While we use the upcoming German summer to prepare the merger, we would be happy to re-welcome you in September on the new IDA platform — with renewed energy to discover the new virtual environment and possibilities of exchange with colleagues and other practitioners. We will send out more detailed information on the technicalities of the move in due course.

In the meantime, make sure that you subscribe to the SNRD Africa newsletter, which has been completely revamped as well!
NB: If you received the previous newsletter, you won’t need to subscribe again.

Let’s get ready to connect, collaborate and communicate!