Relaying Job Opportunities to Mozambique’s Informal Workers

Using the Biscate App

The Added Value of This Article

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Value add for readers

  • Understand the functionality and versatility of Biscate by exploring practical use cases from a variety of users.
  • Tangible and concrete examples as Biscate has been effectively employed in diverse scenarios.
   Photo: © GIZ

In Mozambique formal employment opportunities are limited. The county’s labor force has a size of nearly 15 million people and the labor participation rate is about 80 percent.

For nearly one million individuals, finding customers and job opportunities can be a challenging task. For them a transformative solution has emerged in the form of the Biscate app, which connects informal workers with customers seamlessly, overcoming barriers such as the lack of internet access, data, or smartphones. This digital platform not only facilitates job discovery but also holds the potential to catalyze growth in rural areas, thanks to a strategic partnership with GIZ.

The Challenge of Informal Employment

Mozambique faces the challenge of a limited number of formal jobs, leaving a substantial portion of its population to rely on the informal sector for livelihoods. Informal workers, ranging from skilled artisans to day laborers, often struggle to connect with potential customers, hindering their ability to sustain a steady income. This issue is particularly pronounced in rural areas where the lack of infrastructure further exacerbates the difficulties faced by these workers.

Enter Biscate: A Digital Solution

Unlike many digital solutions that require internet access, data, or smartphones, Biscate is designed to be accessible to a broader target group. This inclusivity is key in a country where connectivity remains a challenge for many. The app provides a user-friendly platform that allows informal workers to showcase their skills and services, enabling them to connect with potential customers in their vicinity.

Expanding Reach with GIZ

Recognizing the transformative potential of Biscate, the company has joined forces with GIZ to expand its reach to more rural areas. This strategic partnership aims to bridge the gap between urban and rural employment opportunities, ensuring that the benefits of digital solutions are not confined to metropolitan areas alone. By leveraging GIZ’s expertise and resources, Biscate is set to make a meaningful impact on the lives of informal workers in remote regions.

A Community-Centered Approach

The success of Biscate’s expansion into rural areas is anchored in a community-centered approach. Through extensive research and engagement with local communities, the app is tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges of rural youth seeking employment opportunities. By understanding the intricacies of different agricultural communities, Biscate aims to create a platform that fosters meaningful connections and empowers individuals to unlock their economic potential.

Catalyzing Growth in Rural Youth Employment

The adoption of digital solutions in rural youth employment, as exemplified by Biscate, has the potential to catalyze the growth of opportunities and interconnections within the agricultural sector. By providing a platform for skillful individuals to showcase their services, the app also contributes to the overall economic development of rural communities. As digital solutions continue to play a key role in shaping the future of work, Biscate stands as a model for inclusive, accessible, and transformative initiatives.


Sophie Mechsner

The multimedia report first appeared on RiffReporter on 5/26/2023, as part of the “Lessons from Africa” series on sustainable development goals and tech-based solutions from Africa.  Mozambique: How informal workers find jobs through an app

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