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Open Space – EU From A-Z: New Policy Framework for Development Cooperation

Max Baumann’s short remark on his open space: EU from A to Z – New Policy Framework and Instruments for Development Cooperation, Trade and Agriculture.

Info on the open space

In times of a changing policy environment at the European level through new policy frameworks such as the New European Consensus or the Post-Cotonou Agreement as well as programmes such as the Global Public Good and Challenges Programme (GPGCP), it is time to discuss its status and priorities.

New European instruments such as the External Investment Plan (EIP), the European Trust Fund as well as ongoing discussions around the European Partnership Agreements (EPAs) or a new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) leave a lot of room for further debate within the work of the GIZ. Hence, the workshop provided an overview of the discussions around these new European priorities and its impact on development cooperation especially around ARD themes.

Participants had the opportunity to discuss implications and the potential for their consulting work within GIZ surrounding issues of agriculture and rural development. At last, the contractual changes for delegated cooperation (PAGODA II) were sketched out and their implications for EU co-funding presented.