Nutrition Gains Importance for Value Chain Development

The third part of the webinar series which provided a deeper insight into the topic
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Webinar recording

Who presented what


Alfons Eiligmann, ValueLinks master trainer, and Karina Brenneis, technical advisor GIZ sector project “Agricultural trade and Value Chains” provided an insight into how the topic nutrition is covered in ValueLinks 2.0 and which tools the manual provides.

Guest speakers

Evi-Kornelia Gruber, leader of the country package Cambodia of GIZ global programme “Food Security and Strengthening of Resilience” and her colleague Chheanghong Eng, national coordinator of the country package as well as Kevina Wangai, a nutrition expert in Kenya who works for GIZ global programme “Promotion of nutrition-sensitive potato value chains in Africa” presented their respective experiences gained in Kenya.

They all shared their project experience and illustrated how nutrition is covered in their projects in Cambodia and Kenia.


Alfons Eiligmann describes the relationship between value chain development and nutrition in ValueLinks 2.0. He explains how the positive impact of value chain promotion on food security and nutrition justifies the stronger nutrition focus in the ValueLinks 2.0 manual, as compared to the previous version. This stronger nutritional focus in ValueLinks 2.0 shows in the value chain selection, the value chain analysis, value chain upgrading and in the impact assessment.

After explaining through which different pathways, value chain upgrading with a strong nutritional focus works, it was established when and how to use them. Next to farmers and consumers, more target groups were identified. Karina Brenneis looked at which indicators should be measured in order to achieve an adequate nutritional situation — with the help of a conceptual framework, compiled by UNICEF and adapted by GIZ.

Evi-Kornelia Gruber and Chheanghong Eng shared their project experience from the MUSEFO Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Security Project in Cambodia. They illustrated the background of food insecurity and malnutrition in Cambodia, highlighting general points to consider for addressing nutritional aspects in value chains. They introduced the field and nutrition days (FND) as an instrument, the MUSEFO project uses, in order to spread nutrition-sensitive knowledge on a commune or village level. During these FNDs, up to 1,000 targeted people can be reached within a matter of hours.

As a second project example, Kevina Wangai presented the SEWOH project “Promotion of nutrition-sensitive Potato Value Chains” in Kenya. She explained how the nutritional situation of 20,000 Kenyan farmers could be improved, and elaborated on the Community Dialogue Model as an important instrument for achieving the project’s targets. In her ‘lessons learned’ she explained, amongst others, how nutrition can be emphasized in value chain projects and why communities are important actors in that process.

Join the next session!

The next webinar is scheduled for May, where the topic business model analysis will be covered. For details on each upcoming webinar, please view the web calendar, as soon as scheduled and available.

The webinar series is conducted together with the sector project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains, the SNRD Africa working group on Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development and the GIZ Sectoral Department (FMB).


Sector project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains: Karina Brenneis (

SNRD working group Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development, tandem partner, Eberhard Krain (