Agripreneurs in Mozambique Acting on Their Own Initiative

Stories of young people transforming their lives with agriculture and entrepreneurship
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“Beyond Farming: Agripreneurs in Mozambique Acting on Their Own Initiative” ⎮ YouTube video (4:44 mins)

Explore how Personal initiative training fosters innovation and empowers young people to tackle unemployment in Africa.

The cast

  • Joana Barbosa is a single mother who found economic empowerment through agriculture. She produces natural products and has become self-sufficient, thanks to agricultural studies and the Personal Initiative Training.
  • Maite Elija who went from living with his parents to building his own home all within ten months of completing the Personal Initiative Training. He now dreams of expanding his agricultural services and creating employment opportunities for others.

Personal initiative training

Personal initiative training is one component of the 360° AgriJobs Approach applied in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, and Burkina Faso. The approach integrates incubation and vocational education to empower rural youth with the skills and networks needed for success in the agricultural and food sectors. Successful agripreneurs create employment for themselves and their peers, contributing to solving the problem of unemployment in Africa.

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The 360° AgriJobs Approach and especially the Personal Initiative Training is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in cooperation with Instituto Nacional de Emprego (INEP), Associação dos Estudantes Finalistas Universitários de Moçambique (AEFUM) and Grupo de Mulheres de Partilha de Ideias de Sofala (GMPIS).

Personal Initiative Training was developed at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and, amongst others, implemented by move gGmbH Entrepreneurship Training Institute. move-eti customized the Personal Initiative Training to the needs of young Agripreneurs in Mozambique and qualified more than 20 trainers. Personal Initiative training is regularly evaluated according to the gold standard of scientific evaluation and has been found to be significantly more effective than conventional business training.


Frank Bertelmann, 

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