Managing Conflicts over Forest Resources — GIZ Projects Share Lessons Learned

Report from the second Global Forest Governance Exchange with projects from all around the globe contributing online

In recent years, the extent of conflicts caused by different interests in using forest resources has increased and intensified in nature. Left unaddressed these conflicts typically lead to environmental degradation, threatening the livelihoods of many people in the area. They even bear a great likelihood to escalate into outright social unrest at some stage.

Photo by André Cook from Pexels

To showcase how GIZ assists stakeholders worldwide in managing and resolving disputes over forest resources, five programmes jointly organized a second webinar on forest governance.

Presentations by Johanna Riedmann (FORCLIME), Bakker Nongni (ProPFE) and Christian Burren (PAGE) reflected the variety of angles and approaches the “Management of Conflicts over Forest Resources Use” offers within GIZ. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and comment extensively.


If you want to share your experience, provide additional information or have topic suggestions for the upcoming webinars, please contact Yvonne Glorius (


All previous presentations along with some initial background information and training materials can be accessed via the Forest Governance Working Space on DMS (

About the series

The Forest Governance Webinar series was launched in November 2017 by members of SNRD Asia and Africa to foster a global exchange on forest governance arrangements. The organisers plan on running three more webinars in 2018 to improve the dialogue amongst forest governance projects around the globe.

Co-organising projects

  • Protection and Sustainable Use of Forest Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Laos (ProFEB)
  • Forest Governance Programme at GIZ Headquarters (FGP)
  • Sustainable Natural Resources Management in Madagascar (PAGE)
  • Forests and Climate Change Programme in Indonesia (FORCLIME)
  • Forestry and Environmental Programme in Cameroon (ProPFE)