Model Procedures for Land Lease
Web-based training course on responsible large scale agricultural investments in Ethiopia
Remote Sensing for Large-scale Agricultural Investment Areas
Monitoring agriculture in Ethiopia based on an earth observation time series
How To Scale Training and Knowledge Dissemination Inclusively With e-Learning Solutions
Transforming education systems in Africa
Measuring Employment Effects in Rural Development
Practical Guidelines
What Works in Rural Youth Employment Promotion?
Good practices and lessons from GIZ programmes on rural youth employment
How To Implement Gender-transformative Projects on the Ground
Experiences with women-led enterprise support in rural Burkina Faso
Welcome to the 16th issue of our newsletter!!
Foreword by SNRD Africa speaker, Rita Weidinger, to the last newsletter issue of 2022
Childcare To Promote Rural Women’s Qualification and Employment
How childcare facilities empower women to invest in their future — a brief interview
Strengthening the Resilience of African Value Chains
Report from the annual meeting of the ABIVCD working group