La gestion durable des ressources naturelles au niveau communal
L’intégration des secteurs agriculture, élevage et foresterie dans les planifications et actions communales – une comparaison des expériences de la Coopération allemande au Bénin, Mali, Niger, Sénégal et à Madagascar
GIZ Approaches to Strengthening Farmer Based Organisations
A basis for a fruitful exchange of lessons learned, good practices, strategies and instruments to promote FBOs
Use of ICT for Agriculture in GIZ Projects – Status Quo, Opportunities and Challenges
A practical guideline for projects and planning officers alike. Digitalisation is bringing sweeping change
Experiences with the Farmer Business School Approach in Africa
Improving business skills of farmers is an important prerequisite to adopting improved techniques
Good Practices in Soil and Water Conservation
Good practices compiled from the point of view of reducing vulnerability and improving resilience of agro-silvo-pastoral systems
Crosscutting Issues in District Development Planning
Integration of two crosscutting issues, disaster risk management and HIV prevention and mitigation, into district planning in Mozambique and Lesotho
Umweltpolitikberatung zur Integration von Umweltaspekten in nationale Armutsminderungsstrategien
Ein Ländervergleich aus der Praxis: Benin, Kamerun, Mali, Mauretanien, Namibia
Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS mitigation measures in agriculture and rural development
Learn about exchanging experiences on multi-sectoral mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS mitigation measures in different spheres of government and rural development programmes.
Managing change in the delivery of rural and extension services at district level
Documentation on a regional learning workshop