Re-Imagining Rural Development for Resilience, Equity and Nature
Insights from SNRD Africa conference in the area of integrated solutions for sustainable transformation
The New SNRD Team Members
Introducing the colleagues who joined the network secretariat
Future-Proof Food Systems
From Senegal in 2023 to Zambia in 2025 — Reflection by incoming SNRD Africa Speaker Heike Hoeffler on the conference and the road ahead
La gestion durable des ressources naturelles au niveau communal
L’intégration des secteurs agriculture, élevage et foresterie dans les planifications et actions communales – une comparaison des expériences de la Coopération allemande au Bénin, Mali, Niger, Sénégal et à Madagascar
GIZ Approaches to Strengthening Farmer Based Organisations
A basis for a fruitful exchange of lessons learned, good practices, strategies and instruments to promote FBOs
Use of ICT for Agriculture in GIZ Projects – Status Quo, Opportunities and Challenges
A practical guideline for projects and planning officers alike. Digitalisation is bringing sweeping change
Food for Discussion 🤜 Main Value of Getting Together Are the Numerous Informal Opportunities to Talk
Brief statement by Susanne Schultz-Dopke, Temnet Abreha, Wolf Berde and Ulrike Rippke at the 2023 SNRD Africa conference.
Farmer Organisations 👉 What Role Do They Play in the Transformation of Agri-Food Systems
Brief statement by Jan Pusdrowski at the 2023 SNRD Africa conference
L’inclusion des femmes et l’engagement du secteur privé
Brève déclaration de Djibril Diop, Invest for Jobs au Senegal, sur sa participation à la conférence SNRD Afrique 2023.
Participate in the network
Launched in 1995 in Lesotho, the Sector Network Rural Development Africa today deals with all aspects related rural development and sustainable management of natural resources in Africa. In addition, rural development issues are linked to broader aspects of economic development as well as good governance processes.