SNRD Is an Incredible Learning Journey
Find the farewell note of outgoing SNRD Africa Speaker Rita Weidinger
2023 SNRD Africa Conference Proceedings
Report, Videos, Pictures
Visual Training Materials on Nutrition Security
Tailoring training for all in Zambia
Contract Farming Handbook – A practical guide for linking small-scale producers and buyers through business model innovation | Volume II – Selected tools and case examples
The second volume of this handbook focuses on practical aspects. Especially because of the high demand for training
Contract Farming Handbook Vol. 1 Manual — A practical guide for linking small-scale producers and buyers through business model innovation
Recognising the recent rise in the prominence of contract farming in practical approaches and debates on inclusive business
Analysis of GIZ Approaches to Improve Access to Agricultural Finance
Access to demand-driven financial services is key for the agribusiness sector. This study looked at how far GIZ programmes and other stakeholders provide what is needed
Intersectionality Recognises Complexity And Has to Result in Not Leaving Individual Women Behind
Brief statement by Kevina Wangai at the 2023 SNRD Africa conference
Agriculture Policies 👉 Are the Key To Changing Food Systems
Brief statement by Janice Kanyire at the 2023 SNRD Africa conference.
Local Context Matters 🤜 It’s All about Seeing What Works Where, How and Why
Brief statement by Jens Knickenberg at the 2023 SNRD Africa conference.
Participate in the network
Launched in 1995 in Lesotho, the Sector Network Rural Development Africa today deals with all aspects related rural development and sustainable management of natural resources in Africa. In addition, rural development issues are linked to broader aspects of economic development as well as good governance processes.