Model Procedures for Land Lease
Web-based training course on responsible large scale agricultural investments in Ethiopia
Remote Sensing for Large-scale Agricultural Investment Areas
Monitoring agriculture in Ethiopia based on an earth observation time series
How To Scale Training and Knowledge Dissemination Inclusively With e-Learning Solutions
Transforming education systems in Africa
Co-Creating Change with Rural Women in Burkina Faso
Messages on access to land, finance & ATVET
Leveraging M&E Systems to Improve Social and Behaviour Change Programme Performance
Webinar #5 in the series on Social and Behaviour Change for Improved Agriculture and Nutrition
How to Design Effective Social and Behaviour Change Messages and Materials
Webinar #4 in the series on Social and Behaviour Change for Improved Agriculture and Nutrition
Participate in the network
Launched in 1995 in Lesotho, the Sector Network Rural Development Africa today deals with all aspects related rural development and sustainable management of natural resources in Africa. In addition, rural development issues are linked to broader aspects of economic development as well as good governance processes.