How to Use Open Data for More Impact of Agriculture and Nutrition Related Projects — Webinar Recording!

In this first online seminar, the Sector Project Rural Development in conjunction with the SNRD Africa’s ICT4Ag community of practice provided a platform to discuss how projects can use open data to get more impact on the ground. The information is geared towards the specific needs of projects operating in the area of agriculture and nutrition.

Watch the recording!

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What’s open data all about?

In the last decade, the volume and types of freely available data have tremendously increased. There is an enormous stock of data that can benefit farmers in developing countries as well as be a great source for information to base decisions on at your work.

“On a farm — whether it is one thousand hectares or only one hectare — I need real-time information. What does the market want now? What’s the cost of my inputs now? What’s my soil like now? What’s the weather like now? … That’s why open data is so extremely important. It must enable me as a farmer to make a decision here and now. It’s a tool to assist me to make the right decision, on the right day, in the right place.”

Theo de Jager, President of the Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO),
in: Open data benefits for agriculture and nutrition, Issue 84, 1 March 2027

Relevant to you?

Whether you’re a digital native or not, this webinar adds value for anyone involved in agriculture nutrition-related projects who’ve been on a lookout to make adequate use of openly available data in their work.

What’s in it for you?

The executive director of the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Network (GODAN), André Laperrière, shares his experiences, presenting best practices of the use of open data in the agricultural sector. While watching the recording you’ll gain insights into open data used in existing agricultural projects and the potential of open data for your everyday work in this sector.

The presenter

André Laperrière, Executive Director GODAN