How To… Promote an Entrepreneurial Mindset Within Youth Employment Programs

Fourth paper of the how-to series for rural youth employment

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Value add for readers

  • A brief overview of innovative trainings and inspiration for practical implementation
  • Understand how to promote an entrepreneurial mindset within rural development projects
  • Four concrete trainings implemented by the Global Project Rural Employment with Focus on Youth
  • Summary of lessons and recommendations for a successful implementation of entrepreneurial mindset training by rural development programmes

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In rural sub-Saharan Africa, formal employment opportunities are scarce. Entrepreneurship presents a promising path to income and economic empowerment for young people. However, the journey from aspiring entrepreneur to successful business owner is fraught with challenges, requiring not only technical and business skills but also a resilient and future-oriented entrepreneurial mindset.

This how-to paper illustrates four innovative entrepreneurship trainings implemented within the 360° AgriJobs Approach that can help reach employment goals. The measures aim at enabling young men and women to gain a set of soft skills that allow them to identify and seize business opportunities, anticipate market changes, overcome barriers, and take initiative. Creativity, flexibility, resilience, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and finance management are learnable skills to become a successful entrepreneur.

About the how-to series

The Global Project Rural Employment with Focus on Youth has developed a series of how-to papers, which aims at processing and systematising the project’s practical experiences. Each how-to paper has a thematic focus and provides a brief overview of innovative approaches and inspiration for practical implementation. The series targets implementing organisations and donor agencies working in the field of youth employment.


Lukas Marx,

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