HIV/AIDS and Gender Risk Assessment

Study for the Food and Nutrition Security Programme in Malawi

As food insecurity has been shown to increase the risk of HIV infection to women, and pregnant and lactating women are among the main target group of the Food and Nutrition Security Programme, the programme conducted a combined HIV/AIDS and gender risk study.

Areas of assessment

  • Could HIV or gender inequalities have an impact on the result chain, so that programme goals are at risk
  • Is there a risk that the programme could inadvertently contribute to the spreading of HIV or worsen existing gender inequality
  • If such impacts or risks were identified, could the programme contribute to the given sector’s HIV and gender response within its given mandate?

Main recommendations for future activities of the programme

  1. Identify more interactive and creative ways of messaging to promote behaviour change
  2. Direct inclusion of PLHIV to benefit from FNSP
  3. Male champions to promote gender equality and HIV prevention/management initiatives
  4. Strengthen the engagement of traditional leaders in the programme
  5. Promote gender through economic empowerment of women


Saskia Kreibich, Margret-Luise Meyer, Jutta Lorey-Wagner