Hands-on Soil Protection and Soil Rehabilitation

Digital insights at the 2020 Global Landscape Forum

Farmers in Madgascar
Framers in Madagascar © GIZ/Goudian

The Global Landscapes Forum 2020 brought together over a thousand development experts, policy makers as well as practitioners, from all over the world. GIZ was actively involved and provided insight into its ongoing work on drought risk management.

Virtual and yet very tangible: The topic of drought risk management was the focus of a three-hour digital session at the Global Landscapes Forum (GLS) Digital Summit 2020 from 3rd  to 5th  June 2020, during which the Global Programme “Soil protection and soil rehabilitation for food security”, together with the Sector Project “Soil Protection, Desertification, Sustainable Land Management” and partners such as the German Development Institute (DIE) and UNCCD (United Nations Convention to combat Desertification and Drought) provided an insight into this important topic. Case studies from Madagascar and Burkina Faso showed that the effects of a drought can be reduced particularly if sustainable soil protection and management approaches are already being practiced and are not a short-term ad hoc measure. This includes agroecological approaches such as those implemented by the global programme in Madagascar.

Another example is the restoration of degraded soils coupled with erosion control techniques, as demonstrated by the programme’s work in Burkina Faso. The UNCCD recommends complementing the holistic approach by monitoring and early warning systems, social security systems and easy access to financial services.

The sector project “Soil Protection, Combating Desertification, Sustainable Land Management” (SV BoDeN) supports the BMZ in its role as UNCCD Focal Point and current chair of the EU Council Working Group on Desertification, and in this context also promotes the issue of drought risk management at multilateral level. Germany has supported the UNCCD Intergovernmental Working Group on Drought (IWG) with a report summarising practical experience in the field of drought risk management in German development cooperation.

A recording of the session and the report on drought risk management in development cooperation are available for download.

Additional information


Anneke Trux, anneke.trux@giz.de
Tanja Pickardt-Williams, tanja.pickardt@giz.de
Juliane Wiesenhütter, juliane.wiesenhuetter@giz.de