Gender in Value Chains — Webinar Recording

Why are gender topics high up on the international development agenda and thus critical for value chain development?
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Factors making gender a critical factor in development cooperation

  • Prevalent division of labour along gender lines
  • Gender-specific value chain innovations
  • The importance of women, and in particular female entrepreneurship, for economic growth

These are only a few reasons for gender being a critical cross-cutting topic and thus also making it crucial for value chain projects.

The new ValueLinks 2.0

The new ValueLinks 2.0 has three chapters on gender in value chain development, including tools on how to achieve and measure gender impact. In the recording, the presenters explain their use in general and more specifically their application to different programmes and conceptions.

To reach intended impact, the presenters emphasize to not only consider the different economic levels but also the various groups women are located in, such as value chain operators, family members, and employees/workers.

Along the entire process of the gender approach, it is indispensable to give women a voice in strategy development processes, and finally in order to gauge impact, to collect gender-disaggregated data — as participants immediately suggested.

Experience from Nigeria

Caroline Trimborn shared experiences of the Green Innovation Centre in Nigeria, using the gender in value chain approach based on the Processor Business Schools.

She illustrates the entire approach in six different steps, from the value chain analysis to the adaptation of training material, and provides insights into the positive impacts that women themselves regard benefitting from.

The current project cycle has a strong emphasis on production and processing. The next one will also cover other parts of the value chain. The planning and design of this next cycle will be based on a gender-sensitive impact assessment.


  • Andreas Springer-Heinze, senior planning officer, GIZ
  • Alfons Eiligmann, ValueLinks master trainer
  • Caroline Trimborn, technical advisor at the Green Innovation Centre, Nigeria


About the webinar series

The webinar series is conducted together with the sector project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains, the SNRD Africa working group on Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development and the GIZ Sectoral Department (FMB).

Join the next session!

For details on the upcoming webinars, please check back on the web calendar.


  • Sector project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains: Karina Brenneis (
  • SNRD Africa working group Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development, tandem partner, Eberhard Krain (