Fueling Growth and Development in Youth Organisations
How-to guide on building a sustainable and inclusive membership base in youth organisations
How-to guide on building a sustainable and inclusive membership base in youth organisations
Knowledge product on how to develop curricula tailored to specific needs in close cooperation with the private sector
Knowledge product on effective internship placement in the agri-food sector through cooperation with the private sector
Find the farewell note of outgoing SNRD Africa Speaker Rita Weidinger
Report, Videos, Pictures
Report, Videos, Pictures
Tailoring training for all in Zambia
Insights from SNRD Africa conference in the area of integrated solutions for sustainable transformation
Du Sénégal en 2023 à la Zambie en 2025 — Réflexion de Heike Hoeffler, nouvelle intervenante SNRD Africa, sur la récente conférence SNRD Africa au Sénégal.
Quelle peut être la contribution du féminisme ?