Strengthening the Links Between Resilience and Nutrition in Food and Agriculture

Recommended reading by the Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience working group — four publications

FAO:  The concept of ‘resilience’ and its practical application in food security (and nutrition) policy formulation and implementation has recently become influential in humanitarian and development communities. This interest is born from the recognition that the frequency of natural disasters is growing, human-induced political crises persist and investments in development and humanitarian aid have failed to effectively prevent humanitarian crises. This has led to increasing focus on how emergency programmes can be designed to support households and governments in a more effective and sustainable way, and how disaster risk reduction, preparedness and prevention measures can be better included in development policies and programmes.

IFPRI’s flagship report reviews the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of 2017, and highlights challenges and opportunities for 2018 at the global and regional levels. This year’s report looks at the impacts of greater global integration—including the movement of goods, investment, people, and knowledge—and the threat of current antiglobalization pressures.

This is a synthesis document that accompanies three case studies carried out by ENN to document nutrition-sensitive and multi-sector programme experiences in several countries, with a focus on the sub-national level.

March edition of the SUN newsletter on the occasion of International Women’s Day, where three African leaders and activists Martin Chungong, Ibrahim Mayaki & Nahas Angula come together to celebrate rural and urban crusaders who have transformed women’s lives and call for more activists to speak up for gender equality to fight malnutrition across Africa.