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Adaptation aux changements climatiques et gestion durable des terres


This working group promotes the improvement of livelihoods while conserving natural resources in the context of climate change. Members believe that well governed and responsible management of natural resources are the basis for sustainable development in rural areas.

Droits des peuples autochtones et gestion des savoirs locaux


This working group promotes the improvement of livelihoods while conserving natural resources in the context of climate change. Members believe that well governed and responsible management of natural resources are the basis for sustainable development in rural areas.

Aménagement du territoire, des forêts et des paysages forestiers


This working group promotes the improvement of livelihoods while conserving natural resources in the context of climate change. Members believe that well governed and responsible management of natural resources are the basis for sustainable development in rural areas.

Gestion des aires protégées et de la biodiversité


This working group promotes the improvement of livelihoods while conserving natural resources in the context of climate change. Members believe that well governed and responsible management of natural resources are the basis for sustainable development in rural areas.

Approches Transformatives en Matière de Genre


The objective of gender-transformative approaches is to contribute to sustainable social and economic empowerment of women. Social norms and structural differences have to be adressed to achieve this objective. For this, we have to become courageous and respectful changemakers. How to get there, is the objective of this working group.

Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle


Ce groupe de travail vise à l’atteinte d’un bon état nutritionnel, ce qui est à la fois un résultat et un facteur clé du développement durable. Toutes les formes de malnutrition, que ce soit une ration calorique insuffisante, les carences en micronutriments ou l’excès de poids, ont un impact non seulement sur la santé, mais aussi sur les performances économiques – des individus comme de nations entières (…)