On the Webinar Series Value Links Plus

By end of the year, eight webinars have been conducted ⎯ a brief summary

Promoting agricultural value chains has been identified as a key leverage point by many development cooperation players. Strategies to this effect are generally agreed to substantially improve sustainable development pathways and contribute ecologically to pro-poor-oriented economic growth.

The webinar series ‘Value Links Plus’ offers GIZ colleagues and others a demand-driven instrument to discuss the many topics covered in the ValueLinks 2.0 manual. It aims to support the proliferation of new value chain development approaches, facilitates the exchange of hands-on experience between GIZ projects and informs on ongoing processes.

By the end of 2018, a total number of eight webinars of the series have been successfully conducted as a joint activity of the GIZ sector project ‘Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance’ and the GIZ Sectoral Department (FMB). The first evaluation conducted after six events brought overall positive feedback. The webinars were viewed as a valuable tool to share new materials and knowledge amongst a large number of participants — by GIZ head office staff as well as in partner countries, partner organisations, consulting firms and think tanks.

Key finding of the evaluation

  • Mixing theoretical introductions, practical examples and dynamic discussions creates a sound basis to start conducive information exchanges and experience the latest topics in value chain development strategy.
  • The virtual space of the webinars creates a special opportunity for professional exchange across borders and including The guest speakers from partner countries proved very helpful to assure a well-structured and fruitful discussions rooted in the implementation reality of the projects.

Select webinar contents were also used to modify and update the ValueLinks manual and found their way into the standard training materials. Thus, the webinars clearly influenced GIZ approaches to value chain development. The organisers are looking forward to more interesting discussions in 2019.


Carolin Voigt, Sector Project ‘Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance’ (E: carolin.Voigt@giz.de)

Further reading and listening

Webinar recordings and documentation available on this website and on the DMS (GIZ-internal storage facility)