ICT4Ag in Projects in Africa and Asia — Webinar Recording

Members of the two SNRDs share their experiences with ICT4Ag — from Africa to Asia and vice versa!
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To facilitate cross-boundary exchange between the two networks, the presenters had a closer look at inclusive digitalisation for sustainable soil management in India — comparing it to digital financial services for smallholder coffee farmers in Uganda. Special emphasis was given to specific lessons learned on both continents!

Is this relevant to you?

The recording is geared towards project staff of agricultural and rural development projects from both SNRDs who are considering to make use of ICT4Ag.

What will be your takeaway?

You will learn how to use ICT4Ag to improve farmers’ climate resilience, provide them with access to information, extension services and finance in two very different contexts.

Presentation slides

The presenters

The first input is provided by Florian Moder, GIZ IT-Partner for Asia, Pacific and Latin America, who gained considerable insights during the setup of the Network for Information on Climate (Ex) Change (NICE+) in India.

The second presenter is Lara Anna Chhatwal, Advisor in the Strategic Alliance Farmers as Entrepreneurs and in the GIZ Competence Center Financial Systems Development and Insurance.

Additional information

SNRD Africa recently released a new study on the use of ICT in agriculture. It covers 52 ICT4Ag solutions which have been developed for 29 GIZ projects, operating in 34 countries on both continents.

Today’s fast-evolving ICT represents a tremendous opportunity for rural populations to improve productivity, to enhance food and nutrition security, to access markets, and to find employment in a revitalized sector  (World Bank 2017, ICT in Agriculture, Handbook).

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