Farmer Based Organisations and How to Promote Them — Webinar Recording

The fifth part of the webinar series on agricultural value chains focuses on the critical role of farmer-based organizations
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  • Andreas Springer-Heinze, Senior Planning Officer at GIZ
  • Alfons Eiligmann, ValueLinks master trainer
  • Bastian Domke, Technical Adviser at the program “Promotion of Agriculture” (ProAgri3)


The webinar starts out with an introduction to the tools of the ValueLinks 2.0 Manual, combined with examples of how to promote FBOs. Followed by experiences with working with farmer-based organisations (FBOs) in Benin.

Andreas Springer-Heinze and Alfons Eiligmann go through the advantages that farmers gain from horizontal cooperation in FBOs, such as benefits caused by economies of scale, lower production costs, improved business models, better bargaining power and enhanced learning effects through social exchange.

Next is an illustration of the changes a farmer group typically undergoes in order to become a cooperative enterprise, including the prerequisites for a successful cooperative. Tangible net benefits of cooperation and a shared common interest among the members prove to be pivotal requirements. Lastly, different approaches to promote FBOs were presented. Three main categories can be distinguished:

  • Support of market orientation, for example through the facilitation of linkages with buyers
  • Support of technical and business performance, for example through trainings and facilitation of access to financial services
  • Support of organization development and social coherence, for example through legal and organizational advice

During the closing, it is pointed out that FBOs should always be embedded in decentralized cooperative multi-layer control, regulation and support structures, rather than being promoted on their own.

The presentation slides


Karina Brenneis for the sector project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains:

On behalf of the SNRD working group Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development, tandem partner Eberhard Krain (