Webinar by the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health A4NH
The FSNR working group cordially invite SNRD members to a webinar on improving nutrition through agriculture. What have we learned? What’s next?
The FSNR working group cordially invite SNRD members to a webinar on improving nutrition through agriculture. What have we learned? What’s next?
Learning from country experiences collecting and using budget data to improve their nutrition programs
ICTs can empower rural women in your agricultural project – Learn how!
The webinar will explore experiences of countries with mainstreaming adaptation to climate change on the local level
Le webinaire sera l’opportunité pour des échanges d’expériences de pays
Le webinaire est le premier de la Série de Webinaires pour la Promotion du Dialogue en matière de Gouvernance Forestièrence
Many ideas and questions have come up -- Speak to your colleagues about'em
The working group on Policy Processes in Agriculture and Rural Development meets in Nairobi in April
Shifting Norms, Changing Behavior, Amplifying Voices: What Works? FR
Les organisateurs apprécient les propositions et les idées pour l'ordre du jour