SNRD Africa Conference
2–6 May 2017 — We focus on “Implementing the Agenda 2030 – The Role of Food Security, Youth Employment and Climate Action in African Rural Development” …
2–6 May 2017 — We focus on “Implementing the Agenda 2030 – The Role of Food Security, Youth Employment and Climate Action in African Rural Development” …
Join the online discussion on overlapping market and food systems approaches to development
La restauration des paysages forestiers en tant qu'approche paysagère est une option pour de nombreux pays
The FSNR working group cordially invite SNRD members to a webinar on improving nutrition through agriculture. What have we learned? What’s next?
The working group on Policy Processes in Agriculture and Rural Development meets in Nairobi in April
Shifting Norms, Changing Behavior, Amplifying Voices: What Works? FR
Ousmane Djibo will join the online panel discussing Philipp Heinrigs' presentation on Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa
Expert talk in Bonn with Skype for Business access
Seminar on nature conservation in German development cooperation at the International Academy for Nature Conservation on the Isle of Vilm
Seminar on nature conservation in German development cooperation at the International Academy for Nature Conservation on the Isle of Vilm