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Chargement Évènements

Local Landuse Planning & Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming


The webinar will explore experiences of countries with mainstreaming adaptation to climate change on the local level.

After a short expert input, GIZ colleagues from Burundi and Mali will share their countries’ experiences. Subsequently, there will be time for questions and further exchange.


  • Till Below, GIZ head offices (FMB)
  • Léonie Niyonkuru, Reducing the impact of climate change on the availability of water and land resources (ACCES) project, Burundi
  • Abdramane Diarra, Innovative development planning for adaptation to climate change project, Mali

Facilitation language

The webinar will be conducted in FRENCH!

Dial-in details

Respective invitations with webinar registration links will be sent separately in due time


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