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CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health A4NH

Webinar with the FSNR working group

The FSNR working group cordially invite GIZ and SNRD members to a webinar conducted by the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health or A4NH.

A4NH is led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and helps realize the potential of agricultural development to deliver gender-equitable health and nutritional benefits to the poor. It was created to help ensure that agricultural practices, interventions, and policies will maximize health and nutrition benefits while reducing health risks.

In its first phase (2012-16), A4NH identified which agriculture and food interventions would improve nutrition and health. These studies were crucial to fill the evidence gap A4NH was designed to address.

The webinar will describe A4NH-generated evidence on large-scale nutrition-sensitive development programs, and how knowledge, evidence, methods, and tools can support scaling up and accelerating nutrition and health impacts in EC programs.


  1. Brief Overview of A4NH (John McDermott) (10 minutes)
  2. Presentation: Improving nutrition through agriculture – what have we learned. What’s next? (40 minutes)
    1. What have we learned? (Marie Ruel)
      1. Pathways from agriculture to nutrition (and critical importance of gender)
      2. How do we evaluation nutrition-sensitive interventions?
      3. Portfolio of nutrition-sensitive agriculture evaluations
      4. Key findings and summary
    2. Gender strategies for nutrition outcomes (Agnes Quisumbing)
      1.  How to assess empowerment impacts on nutrition: Concepts and metrics (Womens Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) and Project-WEAI)
      2. Reach-Benefit-Empower
      3. On-going support to nutrition-sensitive agriculture projects
    3. Helping countries create enabling environments and capacity for nutrition (Namukolo Covic)
      1. Capacity support
      2. Evidence and accountability
      3. Stories of Change
    4. What’s next (Marie Ruel)
      1. More emphasis on implementation
      2. Retain focus on undernutrition but consider obesity and underweight
      3. Adolescent girls as an important group
      4. Questions and Answers (moderated by GIZ team) (40 minutes)

Background information


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