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Chargement Évènements


Tuesday, 10.04.2018: Pre-event, SNRD introduction to newcomers

04:00pm – 05:30pm Pre-Event:

  • Getting to know SNRD
  • Introduction to the Policy Processes in Agriculture and Rural Development (PPARD) working group
  • News in SNRD and WG PPARD

7:00 pm – Dinner and informal get-together

Wednesday, 11.04.2018: Policy instruments, their relevance and application

09:00 am – 10:30 am Welcome (Fynn, Braun, Langenkamp, 15 min)

Warm-up: Expectations and objectives by the participants (Peter Keller, 20 min)

Keynote: International Policy Trends, Processes and Instruments for agricultural development (John Ulimwengu, IFPRI, 20 min)

Input: Focus on Africa: 2018 Malabo Score Card and implications for Agricultural Policy Processes at Country Level  (Ernest Ruzindaza, AUC, 20 min)

Q & A

10:30 am – 11:00 am Tea break
11:00 am – 12:30 pm

  • Setting the scene: Practice of policy and strategy development in Kenya ( Ann Onyango, MoAI, 15 min)
  • Input: Creating the right environment – Frame conditions for successful policy advice (Christoph Langenkamp, 15 min)
  • Input: Introducing the Tool Box: Overview of policy instruments suited to create the right framework conditions for youth employment, Q&A (60 min; Julia Reimers)

12:30 pm – 02:00 pm Lunch break
02:00 pm – 03:30 pm Working group session: Discussion of a case by which the toolbox underpins policy processes (peer consultation) (90 min)
03:30 pm – 04:00 pm Tea break
04:00 pm – 05:30 pm

Pitches in front of a Policy Panel: Each working group presents a 10-minute snapshot of their policy solution and gets a response from a judging panel  (60 min)

Judging Panel:

  • John Ulimwengu (IFPRI)
  • Amanda Namayi, Agricultural Finance Corporation, Kenya
  • Ulrich Sabel-Koschella (GIZ)
  • Ernest Ruzindaza (AUC)

Input: GIZ: a competent and crucial partner in policy advice (lessons, outlook, multi-level approach) (Mark Fynn, 30 min)

07:00 pm – Dinner

Thursday, 12.04.2018:   (Youth) Employment, approaches to create employment and methods to measure it

09:00 am – 10:30 am

  • Recap: Takeaway from policy instruments discussions and feedback on the toolbox (20 min)
  • Overview: Youth employment in Africa (John Ulimwengu, 20 min)
  • The current state of discussion BMZ/GIZ and G20 (Ousmane Djibo, GIZ, Christoph Langenkamp, GIZ sectoral department & Uli Sabel-Koschella, Africa Department, GIZ, 20 min)
  • Q&A

10:30 am — 11:00 am Tea break

11:00am – 12:30pm

  • Country example: developing and operationalizing the youth employment strategy in Kenya (Benson Nyariaro, MoAI Kenya, 20 min)
  • Youth perspective, G20 and Kenya (Astariko I. Ombima and Lydiah F. Wafula, 20 min) including: Why would I want to work in agriculture or in rural jobs.
  • Whisper group discussion followed by fishbowl: What are the employment strategies in Kenya, what are lessons so far, specific

12:30 pm – 02:00 pm Lunch break

02:00 pm – 03:30 pm

  • Definitions, concepts and measurement options on employment in agriculture (Petra Jacobi, SV territorial development, 15 min)
  • Concepts on how to integrate and measure rural employment effects (Prof. Kluve, 25 min)
  • Working groups and feedback (50 min): How to measure (youth) employment in your project?

03:30 pm – 04:00 pm Tea break

04:00 pm – 05:30 pm

  • Presentation of OECD West Africa Study on approaches to employment in rural areas (Ousmane Djibo, 20 min).
  • Working groups: How to integrate effective approaches for (youth) employment in projects? How to bridge political expectation on (youth) employment with given capacities and competencies in ongoing interventions. (40 min)
  • Discussion (30 min)

06:30 pm – Networking event

Friday, 13.04.2018: PPARD Working group activities

09:00am – 10:30am

  • Recap previous day 20 min
  • Land governance study – What is relevant in my country? Findings from the Land Policy Stocktaking Study (Antti Seelaff, consultant, 30 min)
  • Discussion: 40 min

10:30am – 11:00am Tea break

11:00am – 13:00pm

  • AUC-NEPAD Framework for Engaging the Private Sector – The Country Agribusiness Partnership Framework, CAP-F (Erick Sile, CAADP Support Programme, 15min)
    Discussion: 15min
  • Private sector study – Public-private engagement in agriculture study, keeping the employment perspective (Ousmane Djibo, 20 min)
  • The New Alliance, lessons learned (Ousmane Djibo, 10 min)
  • Discussion: 15 min
  • CAADP Policy Processes, NAIP, climate agenda, private sector engagement (Tarquin Meszaros/ Mark Kofi Fynn, CAADP support programme, 20 min)
  • Discussion: 20 min

13:00pm – 02:00pm Lunch break

02:00 pm – 03:30 pm GIZ internal PPARD agreements, work plan

03:30pm – 04:00pm Tea break

04:00 pm – 05:30 pm PPARD agreements, work plan

Saturday, 14.04.2018: Field trip to Nairobi national park / Field trip to town (optional)

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Final Agenda as of 5 May 2018

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Speakers and Contributors

John Ulimwengu (IFPRI), Ernest Ruzindaza (AUC-DREA), Ann Onyango (Agriculture Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Kenya), Prof. Kluve (RWI), Julia Reimers, Petra Jacobi, Ousmane Djibo (all GIZ), Antti Seelaff, Desiree Dietvorst (consultants), the PPARD team (Mark Kofi Fynn, Mathias Braun, Christoph Langenkamp) and others.


Peter Keller


  • Exchange ideas and experiences on the application of agricultural policy instruments (incl. application of toolbox)
  • Share and discuss approaches towards creating employment opportunities for (youth) in agriculture and methods for measuring employment effects
  • Discuss other upcoming policy issues in the context of rural transformation in Africa, including land governance, private sector engagement and CAADP policy processes

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