Ecosystem Services in Sustainable Development
Third infoletter now available in English and French
The latest edition of the infoletter by the SNRD Africa working group on Climate Change, Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management zooms in on economic valuation of ecosystems services – why? what? how?

The subject is often regarded as a key instrument to increase awareness and deliver well-founded arguments to protect the environment as well as to invest in sustainable natural resource management. Assigning a monetary value to the benefits nature provides to people enables policymakers to make well-informed decisions.
However, frequently valuation studies do not have the desired impact as they are not adequately taken into consideration when management strategies are formulated or policy options weighted. We would like to briefly outline why and under which circumstances economic valuation makes sense, what are the main areas of application as well as its limits, and present a few valuation methods.:
The infoletter briefly outlines why and under which circumstances economic valuation makes sense and what the main areas of application and its limits are. It also presents a few valuation methods.
Silke Schwedes, ELD, Germany (; Stefanie Preuss, TBR Mono Delta, Benin & Togo (; Ulrike Tröger, ValuES, Germany
The infoletter will be made available soon at this location.
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