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Co-Creating Change with Rural Women in Burkina Faso

Messages on Access to Land, Finance & ATVET

“Design for Her” is a widely cited principle in gender-sensitive development programming. What if we could go a step further and “design with her”?

In Burkina Faso, the Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training for Women (ATVET4W) project – with support from GIZ – pioneered a gender-transformative intervention that aimed to do just that: using co-creation to address women’s challenges in accessing the information on opportunities and rights when it comes to land, financing and training.

The co-creation exercise engaged women and men from rural communities — such as husbands, community leaders — in Dioula, French and Mooré to jointly develop and share the right tools and messages to advocate for women’s empowerment.

The final output is a boite à outils or a toolbox, including:

  • Posters and guides featuring role models who have successfully accessed land, financing and/or training;
  • Step-by-step guides on how to gain access to land, financing and training, which were co-created and guided by experts in the respective fields.
  • Scripts for role plays, street theatre and radio formats to create awareness for empowerment in communities;
  • Scenario cards illustrating common “myths” around women’s access to land, finance and training (for example « if my wife attends a training, she will not respect me anymore ») and ways in which to address/ debunk these.


Alimata Konaté: alimata.konate(at)
Sara Jabril: sara.jabril(at)