Climate Resilience Project in the SADC Region

New project forthcoming

Corona prevention in Lukusuzi, Zambia ⎮ © Peace Parks Foundation\Lackson Mwenya

The GIZ/SADC project Climate Resilience and Natural Resource Management will commence in January 2021. It’s part of the Transboundary Protection and Use of Natural Resources program together with KfW.

It will support the Southern African Development Community Secretariat regarding:

  • International conventions and regional strategies and programmes
  • Strengthening resource mobilization and enhancing capacity-building networks
  • Knowledge management of climate-smart natural resource management and agriculture

Local communities will implement climate-smart agriculture and natural resources management activities in three transboundary conservation areas in the SADC region.

The aim is also to promote the tourism sector and to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
