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Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience Working Group: What to Take Back to the Countries

2017-10-14T12:03:13+02:00juillet 23rd, 2017|Catégories : Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, VIDÉOS|

Resilience and food security are closely intertwined. Which products have to be chosen to improve the nutritional status - and therefore the overall resilience in countries? These were the main question subworking groups dealt with during the discussions in Pretoria.

Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience Working Group – The Value of Participating

2017-10-14T12:09:42+02:00juillet 21st, 2017|Catégories : Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, VIDÉOS|

Maryan Dualle, who runs a fish project in Somalia, expresses her appreciation of the working group and being part of the 2017 gathering in Pretoria.