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Leveraging ICT to Attract Unemployed Youths to Agribusinesses — Webinar Recording

2017-11-22T09:26:15+01:00novembre 22nd, 2017|Catégories : Digital Transformation FR, VIDÉOS|

Ken Lohento presented concrete options for agriculture development projects to make proper use of ICTs to create thought-after employment along agri-value chains in rural areas

The Science-Policy Interface for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Action: What Are the Lessons Learned?

2017-11-20T09:49:45+01:00novembre 20th, 2017|Catégories : Politiques de développement rural, VIDÉOS|

Gerd Fleischer describes the direction of agricultural research and policy advice provided by GIZ to ministries in Germany and developing countries

The Most Pressing Issue in Rural Development — Ousmane Djibo

2017-11-02T07:29:59+01:00octobre 28th, 2017|Catégories : Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, VIDÉOS|

Each year 20m youths will be entering African labour market in the coming decades, while only 3m are expected to be able to find jobs. In this in-depth interview the manager of the sector project Agricultural Policy and Food Security, calls for more innovative initiative to ensure that these generations will have an opportunity for a better life.

The Power of Mobile for Agricultural Projects — Webinar Recording

2017-10-27T09:06:47+02:00octobre 19th, 2017|Catégories : Digital Transformation FR, VIDÉOS|

The ICT4Ag CoP discussed with Lukas Borkowski -- country manager of Viamo, a mobile engagement consultancy -- and GIZ's Paul Cronjaeger how you can leverage the power of mobile for sustainable and measurable impacts in your agricultural project

How to Use Open Data for More Impact of Agriculture and Nutrition Related Projects — Webinar Recording!

2017-10-28T14:36:42+02:00septembre 18th, 2017|Catégories : Digital Transformation FR, VIDÉOS|

ICT4Ag community of practice provided a platform to discuss how projects can use open data to get more impact on the ground. Digital native or not, this webinar add values for anyone involved in agriculture or nutrition-related projects