The Most Pressing Issue in Rural Development — Okenye Mambo
Why is Cameroon importing rice when it has suitable land to grow it? To find employment youths shouldn't specialise in trading rice but be supported growing it.
Why is Cameroon importing rice when it has suitable land to grow it? To find employment youths shouldn't specialise in trading rice but be supported growing it.
The latest edition of the infoletter by the SNRD Africa working group on Climate Change, Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management zooms in on economic valuation of ecosystems services – why? what? how?
Lancement de l’appel à candidature pour le programme de master du projet WABES sur “La gestion de l'interface science-politique sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques pour le développement durable en Afrique de l'Ouest"
Marine Spatial Planning is spreading across the globe as a new way to achieve sustainable development of the world’s seas and oceans. -- What does mean? How does it work?
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services IPBES aims to strengthen the knowledge/policy interface in the biodiversity arena (…)
What are effective ways to foster sustainable management of marine resources while improving human well-being? What are the best practices that have worked on the ground, and what are common success factors?
In Africa, the world sees the most rapid population growth. It is concurrently experiencing a youth bulge – an expanding population of tech-savvy, well-educated, job-ready 18-35-year-olds.
Based on the previous work plan, the workgroup Climate Change, Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management has elaborated a new plan for until the end of 2018.
Worum geht es in den Globalen und Regionalen Zustandsberichten des Weltbiodiversitätsrates IPBES? Deutsche Autorinnen und Autoren der Globalen und Regionalen Assessments erzählen, mit welchen Fragen sie sich in ihren Berichten auseinandersetzen und welche Themen sie beisteuern.
Andreas Schleenbäcker connects the dots between the SDGs, youth development, SNRD Africa in general and the experiences of the working group in particular. Recorded at the 2017 SNRD Africa conference in Pretoria.