Good Practices in Soil and Water Conservation
Good practices compiled from the point of view of reducing vulnerability and improving resilience of agro-silvo-pastoral systems
Good practices compiled from the point of view of reducing vulnerability and improving resilience of agro-silvo-pastoral systems
Integration of two crosscutting issues, disaster risk management and HIV prevention and mitigation, into district planning in Mozambique and Lesotho
Ein Ländervergleich aus der Praxis: Benin, Kamerun, Mali, Mauretanien, Namibia
Documentation on a regional learning workshop
Learn about exchanging experiences on multisectoral mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS mitigation measures in different spheres of government and rural development programmes.
Documentation on a regional workshop
Report or a workshop held in April 2003, organised after two conceptually oriented workshops on the issue of ‘HIV/AIDS and agriculture and rural development’
Proceedings of a regional forum
Download Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in rural development A practical guideline for projects and planning officers alike Digital change is bringing sweeping change at an economic, political and societal level throughout the globe. Nothing is impervious to digital change [...]
Neil Fourati and Waqas Malik on the decisions taken by Subgroup 2 on Access to Finance and Food Processing and the next steps ahead. Recorded at the 2017 SNRD Africa conference in Pretoria.