ICT in Agriculture
An introduction to ICT for agriculture (ICT4Ag).
An introduction to ICT for agriculture (ICT4Ag).
Lorenz Petersen feels that SNRD is on a good track with regards to SEWOH's requirements, i.e. in terms of action in (…)
What are effective ways to foster sustainable management of marine resources while improving human well-being? What are the best practices that have worked on the ground, and what are common success factors?
In Africa, the world sees the most rapid population growth. It is concurrently experiencing a youth bulge – an expanding population of tech-savvy, well-educated, job-ready 18-35-year-olds.
At the SNRD Africa conference in Pretoria, the CoP ICT4Ag was launched into life. It is open to anyone working in the area of information and communications technologies for agriculture in developing countries.
Based on the previous work plan, the workgroup Climate Change, Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management has elaborated a new plan for until the end of 2018.
AgriPlace offers a good example on how to link farmers, auditors and food companies into a plattform where farmers remain the owner of their data!
The evaluation of this year’s SNRD meeting in South Africa can be viewed as a good reflection of the overall success of the conference. The feedback the organising team received was exceptionally positive!
You might have heard about it already, SNRD Africa has established a new working group. Members of the sector network who directly or indirectly deal with Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience have formed an interdisciplinary collaboration of experts (…)
Worum geht es in den Globalen und Regionalen Zustandsberichten des Weltbiodiversitätsrates IPBES? Deutsche Autorinnen und Autoren der Globalen und Regionalen Assessments erzählen, mit welchen Fragen sie sich in ihren Berichten auseinandersetzen und welche Themen sie beisteuern.