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À propos de Pascal Corbé

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Jusqu'à présent Pascal Corbé a créé 1079 entrées de blog.
Website and content editor

Knowledge Powers Development With Mobile Solutions

2017-07-23T13:12:44+02:00juillet 23rd, 2017|Catégories : Digital Transformation FR, MISES À JOUR, Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle|

Many farmers have very limited access to information, causing poor farming practice and low productivity in sub-Saharan Africa. This rice and cocoa value chain example demonstrates how mobile based ICT solutions can contribute to closing the knowledge gap.

How Can Social Protection Contribute to Drought Resilience?

2017-10-16T12:53:54+02:00juillet 23rd, 2017|Catégories : MISES À JOUR, Sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle|

Social protection tools are becoming a popular policy response. DIE and GIZ co-organised a panel to discuss evidence demonstrating that regular income transfers allow people to better meet their immediate basic consumption needs and enable them to save for hard times.

Open Space – Agribusiness Services for Youth to Raise Productivity: Exp. from Cote d’Ivoire

2017-07-24T11:30:51+02:00juillet 23rd, 2017|Catégories : PROJETS, VIDÉOS|

Côte d’Ivoire is an agricultural country with 24 million inhabitants. It’s the world’s leading cocoa producing country. Its food crops are essential for the nutrition of the population (…)