The Most Pressing Issue in Rural Development – Barbara Schweiger
Barbara Schweiger wants more thinking out of the box. Issues such as those related to climate should make SNRD consider more training and social aspects (...)
Barbara Schweiger wants more thinking out of the box. Issues such as those related to climate should make SNRD consider more training and social aspects (...)
As the newly elected speaker of the SNRD Africa, I want to encourage efforts to keep the energetic momentum of the conference and build onto the ideas. Let’s be innovative so that we can implement as much as possible in the coming years. What I want to support (...)
Christel Weller-Molongua sees the biggest challenge for rural development in creating jobs for the young. Youngsters wanted new forms of cooperation and since they were active on the social networks (…)
Inspired by the mini workshop on ICT, Rokia Goldmann sees a great potential for ICT to create jobs for the young generation, to get them a first access to the job market.
Not having access to clean drinking water is a common but extremely serious problem in the Ethiopian highlands. It forces local residents to take long walks and to consume polluted, unsafe water. A GIZ project demonstrates how innovative water filters contribute to healthier lives for thousands of people.
A case study from the Afar region in Ethiopia on digitization of land use, crop and forage productivity as well as its contribution to food security -- by ICRISAT.
10 artists exhibited their work on agriculture in Addis Abeba. Find the catalog of their work.
We are making big strides with our use of state-of-the-art technology. New website and newsletter format, Youtube channel and livestreaming from the plenaries in Pretoria. Learn more about the concept and what you can do to keep the momentum. (...)
Soziale Sicherungsmaßnahmen unterstützen ländliche Haushalte in Krisensituationen. Sie verbessern die Ernährungssicherheit und ermöglichen Haushalten, mit Risiken besser umzugehen und in profitablere Lebensgrundlagen zu investieren. Sie leisten aber noch viel mehr. - Beitrag von Barbara Rohregger
La politique de coopération allemande s’est engagée à adopter une approche fondée sur le respect des droits de l’humain. Le respect des droits de la femme ainsi que l’égalité des chances, des responsabilités et du pouvoir d’influence, constituent un but à part entière et des principes directeurs. Le soutien à l’égalité hommes-femmes représente une mission pluridisciplinaire et constitue un indicateur de qualité pour tous les secteurs de la coopération économique allemande.