Proceedings of the 2017 SNRD Africa Conference in Pretoria
The SNRD Africa conference beginning of May was a lively, interactive event with about 150 participants from all over Africa and Germany. Find the final report.
The SNRD Africa conference beginning of May was a lively, interactive event with about 150 participants from all over Africa and Germany. Find the final report.
Lancement de l’appel à candidature pour le programme de master du projet WABES sur “La gestion de l'interface science-politique sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques pour le développement durable en Afrique de l'Ouest"
Marine Spatial Planning is spreading across the globe as a new way to achieve sustainable development of the world’s seas and oceans. -- What does mean? How does it work?
Access to demand-driven financial services is key for the agribusiness sector. This study looked at how far GIZ programmes and other stakeholders provide what is needed
The Global Programme Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience is currently operating in 11 African and Asian countries. Find the information to each of their diverse activities.
Maize dominates diets in Zambia as it is affordable and brings high yields. The lack of food diversity means insufficient micronutrient intake with many people though, causing health problems as well as growth and developmental disorders.
Katja Heubach speaks about the recently conducted assessment by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services IPBES on the role of pollinators in food production systems. (...)
Pascal Payet partage les trois lésons appris du Open Space dédié à la place des jeunes dans la gestion de la sécurité alimentaire.
Hans Schöneberger thinks that all progress achieved in rural development will be eaten up by population growth. The issue put massive pressure on natural resources and was the source for substantial conflict. (...)
Barbara Schweiger wants more thinking out of the box. Issues such as those related to climate should make SNRD consider more training and social aspects (...)