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À propos de Pascal Corbé

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Jusqu'à présent Pascal Corbé a créé 1078 entrées de blog.
Website and content editor

Improved Cashew Planting Material and By-Product Processing Technologies for Ghana

2017-10-16T19:45:49+02:00octobre 12th, 2017|Catégories : Agrobusiness inclusif, MISES À JOUR|

Ghana, Brazil and Germany to cooperate in fostering research capacities in the Ghanaian cashew sector as well as to develop cashew apple processing capacities and a market for cashew by-products

How to Use Open Data for More Impact of Agriculture and Nutrition Related Projects — Webinar Recording!

2017-10-28T14:36:42+02:00septembre 18th, 2017|Catégories : Digital Transformation FR, VIDÉOS|

ICT4Ag community of practice provided a platform to discuss how projects can use open data to get more impact on the ground. Digital native or not, this webinar add values for anyone involved in agriculture or nutrition-related projects