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À propos de Pascal Corbé

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Jusqu'à présent Pascal Corbé a créé 1078 entrées de blog.
Website and content editor

Progress Towards Living Wage and Living Income

2018-02-02T14:42:53+01:00octobre 20th, 2017|Catégories : Agrobusiness inclusif, MISES À JOUR|

“The tea sector is the second most important foreign exchange earner for Malawi”, said the Community Development Minister at the progress meeting of the Malawi 2020 Initiative. Some 50,000 tea workers and 16,000 smallholder tea farmers made it the country’s biggest employer

The Power of Mobile for Agricultural Projects — Webinar Recording

2017-10-27T09:06:47+02:00octobre 19th, 2017|Catégories : Digital Transformation FR, VIDÉOS|

The ICT4Ag CoP discussed with Lukas Borkowski -- country manager of Viamo, a mobile engagement consultancy -- and GIZ's Paul Cronjaeger how you can leverage the power of mobile for sustainable and measurable impacts in your agricultural project