The Science-Policy Interface for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Action: What Are the Lessons Learned?
Gerd Fleischer describes the direction of agricultural research and policy advice provided by GIZ to ministries in Germany and developing countries
Gerd Fleischer describes the direction of agricultural research and policy advice provided by GIZ to ministries in Germany and developing countries
Important dates of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
The SEWOH programme presents popular recipes, rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals and prepared by local people
À l'initiative conjointe du programme mondial « Sécurité alimentaire et renforcement de la Résilience » et du Conseil de l’Alimentation et de la Nutrition, a eu lieu à Possotomè au Bénin, les 17 et 18 août 2017, une conférence nationale sur la sécurité alimentaire
Each year 20m youths will be entering African labour market in the coming decades, while only 3m are expected to be able to find jobs. In this in-depth interview the manager of the sector project Agricultural Policy and Food Security, calls for more innovative initiative to ensure that these generations will have an opportunity for a better life.
Why is Cameroon importing rice when it has suitable land to grow it? To find employment youths shouldn't specialise in trading rice but be supported growing it.
Comment la directrice d’une coopérative arrive à augmenter la sécurité alimentaire à l’aide d’un système de crédit
Le nouveau Farm Sercive Center à Iteya est un service d’orientation pour 25.000 petits exploitants
Le Centre d’Innovations Vertes éprouve la certification adaptée à local
The new SNRD community of practice on contract farming is about to start joint action